Constipation Treatment

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Constipation Treatment
Admin On June 13, 2024 14 Vies Call Connect

When you are constipated, your bowel movements are difficult or occur less frequently than usual. If you have less than three bowel motions in a week, you may be constipated. Different people experience different periods of time between bowel motions as normal. A few individuals consume them three times a day. Some people only get them occasionally each week. Less than three times a week passing stool or firm, dry bowel movements are indicative of constipation. It may be brought on by changes in routine, drugs, food, pregnancy, or any combination of these. The primary function of your colon is to absorb water from leftover food as it moves through your digestive system. The result is stool, or waste. Eventually, the waste is forced out via the rectum by the muscles of the colon to be removed. Stool can get tough and challenging to pass if it stays in the colon for an extended period of time.

For more details please contact us at +919818709111

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